Month: July 2022


The holidays are more desired, the colors are loved, the jewels enter in tradition. Varies things enter and disappear from our life. Choose a think for summer’s adventure and you make with romantism.1.( moped, car, sandals, plane, salmon, book, television, pen). The prize!!!

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Breathing between the hot’s waves

  To search the press groups, associations, sponsor, businessman for the site””. Hot, hotter, how can to live? Sometimes we hate, deep to suffering in transpiration, the tears are dry by sun, looking you in mirror discover that you are changed. You are or, not are you? All result difficult in the summer, you… This content is for Subscriber members only.For only one euro per month...

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“The life without music is been a error” (Friedrich Nietzsche). What can to be more beautiful in the life? The love to sing, the heart to listen with romanticism and with madness, the eyes like and look the dance, always we are surrounded by…. And the philosophy enters in music. (our thinks).1.( seas, mountains, music, clouds, sun, lune, land, hate, olives, doves, beer). The...

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Odyssey and eternal love of Ulysses

To search the press groups, associations, sponsor businessman for the site ””. We remember Ulysses as a legendary hero which make win Troye with his wooden horse (Trojan horse) and after his coming back in Ithaca of where remain the Odyssey by a devoted man at his people and for the love of his… This content is for Subscriber members only.For only one euro per month you can read all the...

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What prefer English people?) monarchy, curry, fish and chips, blueberry , cake with cheese, gin, tea, wine, roast beef, elegance, football, hunting, dogs, jewelers). Amazing land, we need to go and to enter in English life. The prize!!!

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