When we desire to say a Yes or a Non need to……… and after is our right, desire, dream, to want a beautiful thing, decent, likely, or of holiday for to be joyful. We want a gift, who can it make?1. (Write, read, sculpture, painting, vote, drink, eat, dress, laugh, kiss ). The...

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„ The maxim happy is reached when a man wants to be what he is.”( Erasmo of Rotterdam). Can’t change the intellect, character, physic of a man indifferent of his social class. There are situations when you desire others thinks in the life because you are unhappy, the luck not was near of you but thinking at the world that is beautiful for people’s variety you is happy and….. of status and his soul. ( our thinks)....

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Thinks of fall, gains in elections, teas that warm you in every coin of world, nostalgia that remind you of beautiful days and after to arrive Merry Christmas, whites of snow with cough, with fever, with gifts and with joy. Can forgot of……? 1. (champagne, cauliflower, vaccine, Christmas tree, cold, coat). Healthy or happy? The prize!!!!

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How we look in the world with attention for realize how to make the magic word „ great again”? The first we can choose the red color and to eat hamburger. And after don’t we remain only to buy a fashion cap with D.T. 1. (Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Italia France, America, Finland, Hollande, Suisse, Cameron, Egypt). The prize!!!

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” Love is to know all of a person and to have again the desire to be with him more as another person” ( Albert Einstein). More important word of life is love because you love, and you are loved. You make very well when you shout of love in this kind your words are heard and are known. You don’t to exist without love and for love you are prepared at all. You are happy when know more, more of love in this kind love him...

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